Friday, January 29, 2010


When light hits the day
a new life begins
and death commences
one by one..
they fall like pine leaves
season changes
comes fall, comes winter
comes winter, comes summer
and lovely spring shall hold its magic wand
and bring death to life
for another tiny seed had grew
and that dying tree shall spreads its baby leaves.

I just love to be hurt
cause the pain...
it stings my innocence
brings me to reality
life is not a fantasy
life is a thorn... rusting in time
scratches your skin
shedding crimson dew
the pain lingers
scars..they remain
and things would never be the same again...

Monday, January 25, 2010

never fading

this pictures...

reflections of sweet and bitter past

a recollection of before

and revival after

like things.. they too shall pass..

but memories last..

if the heart keeps the picture within..


if pictures fade
would i fade,too?

life is math

if i pick the black one...

how much would it cost?

if I pick the white with feathers on it..

how much would i add?

If i pick the smallest..

how much would i subtract?

if i take all..

how many times would my bill multiply?

if you sum all..

how much would each pay?


Friday, January 22, 2010

in the river, i step

the gentle breeze touches my legs

the stones feels good

pebbles massaging my heels

the water freely flowing

softly ticklin my skin

the memories, they flow with it

sweet and refreshing

like i was just a liitle girl

like the glittering dust of gold

like the scorching light of the sun

like the shimmerng light of the moon

like the twinkling brightness of the stars

i remain stranger in the eyes of the blind


if roses are red
and so with blood
why pick white?